Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wedology 101- the reveal!

The secret is out.

After months upon months of planning, secret trips to DC and hiding in the corner of Starbucks with laptops and big ideas, the wait is finally over. So what exactly is Wedology 101?

I've never hidden it- I love bridal shows. I love going, I love participating, I love sampling ten kinds of wedding cake. I love bridal magazines- I love the pretty dresses and the content, especially when local.

I've always felt there was a missing link, however. As a bride, it's great to meet fabulous vendors and learn how things can look lovely. But how do you survive it all?

How do you plan seating arrangements when families don't get along? How do you deal with a bridesmaid that wants to wear a cardigan to cover her dress? How do you register when you've lived with someone and already have the essentials?

Thus, Wedology 101 was born over coffee with Jennifer McBride of McBride Events. Between the two of us, we've seen 700 weddings. We may not have seen everything, but we've certainly come darn close.

Wedology 101 is every phone I've ever gotten from my friends at odd hours, about how not to offend families with their invitation wording. It's the times I've had to hand tissues to friends when their wedding parties refuse to play nice.

Specifically, Wedology 101 is an interactive and fun seminar hosted by Jenn and myself. Our plan is to take the stress out of wedding plan by talking about the realities of being a bride.

The fabulous Wyndham Virginia Crossings has agreed to partner with us and host our inaugural event on Sunday, August 15. As you may have seen, Celebrations in the Richmond Times Dispatch is now featuring our monthly column- and there's more where that came from! But you didn't think I was going to reveal all of it in just one blog did you?

So far, the response from the wedding industry locally has been nothing short of amazing- apparently we're not the only ones who see a need for this.

What's next? Jenn and I just put the finishing touches on our next article. The blog will be rolling out soon and behind the scenes, we're working fast and furious to put together quite the event.

Have a bride who may benefit? Ticket sales will begin shortly, and we'll be sure to announce it when it does.

Interested in getting involved? Email me at meghan {at} ofdconsulting {dot} com for more information.

Until next time,

Meghan Ely is the owner of OFD Consulting, a niche marketing group geared towards wedding professionals. She is also the Managing Director of the Richmond Bridal Association, and has a regular spot on Bridesight TV.


  1. This is a wonderful idea, and one I know so many brides will benefit from! If I can be of any help as a (by then) former bride myself, just let me know!

  2. I'm happy anytime someone tries to tackle these issues. We won a Modern Bride Magazine trendsetter award for taking on the complex couple and family dynamics of wedding planning. It's endlessly fascinating and we come at it from the marriage and family therapy perspective (our advice is from over 30 year tenure as a family therapist with a recent bride who knows today's stress.)

    I hope your event goes smashingly well! We welcome all allies in the process of figuring out the complexity of wedding planning. Our goal is to strengthen the upcoming marriages and we feel the wedding is really a marriage 101 crash course.

    We have a book and a large website for premarital counselors all over the nation. I look forward to hearing how things go for you! :)
