Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Surrounding yourself by the Right People: An Ode to my Graphic Designer

Ok, I'll admit it- I cheat.

I cheat on my diet (although both Ben and Jerry are partially to blame), and I cheat by reading the last page of most books before I get started. And I may have used every now and then while obtaining my Spanish Minor. A lot.

But do you know who I don't cheat on (besides the obvious- my hubby and hairdresser)- my graphic designer Sarah. No lie- I panic at the thought of having a project and passing it off to someone else.

I'd love to regale you with a very professional story of how Sarah and I connected at some fancy networking event, or through a Fortune 500 CEO. Alas, we met at JMU land, probably over Natural Light.

We shared a mutual friend (Hi Kristin!), and I liked having Sarah around because she's funnier than Bugs Bunny. And she had a great accent (Ohio!). Imagine my delight when I discovered she was a talented son of a gun to boot.

Once we graduated, like any good Generation Yer’s, we became Facebook Friends. I kept tabs on her web site and portfolio and before long, I asked her to design my future hubby and I's LOST/Star Wars/Socks themed moving announcement, followed later by our
wedding monogram. And admittedly, I was hooked on her designs. So when it came time to get the ball rolling with OFD, I sent a panicked email to Sarah that went something like this:

Hi Sarah- so remember that company I was going to start in a couple years? Well I started it.. yesterday. Can you do my logo and business cards and everything? Like really really quickly?

No only did she oblige, but she did so with gusto, offering encouragement along the way. Yes, I needed someone to walk me through the steps of a logo design, but I think I secretly needed someone to think this company was an okay idea.

Since then, she's done all the design work for Illuminate and Wedology 101, as well as worked with some of my trusted colleagues.

My point in gushing about Sarah (who by the way, did not slip me a twenty to do this)?

As a wedding professional, you are more than likely a one man show. From time to time, you're going to have to contract out for work- whether it be bookkeeping, graphic design,
web design or well, me. When doing so, it's important to surround yourself by the right people. Sarah is one of those good eggs that not only has a tremendous sense of style, but takes it ten steps further by advising on local printers (researching for me? Bonus!) and giving it to me straight when something just doesn’t look right.

So in short- if you don't have the right people in your corner, you won't go anywhere.

Don’t settle for someone just because it seems easy. Worse yet- don’t stick with the same person even if he or she is offering sub par work- just because you don’t feel like going through the hiring process again. Trust me- it’s far more difficult to undo the damage of bad work, then to take the time to find the right people to put in your corner.

So take the time to ascertain your needs, interview, check references and, if applicable, review their portfolio. You deserve the best.

My hope is to take Sarah with me wherever I go- book covers for all my future best sellers, thank you notes to my clients when I make my first million (and by thank you cards, I mean boats), invites to my Retirement party (and by Retirement, I mean when I sell my company to Oprah). Good folks like that are few and far between.

Some of you may naturally asking how to check out her work- well here you go (non sponsored overshare!)- Just remember- when Oprah comes calling, I’m going to have to steal her away.

Until next time,

Meghan Ely is the owner of OFD Consulting, a niche marketing group geared towards wedding professionals. She is also the Managing Director of the Richmond Bridal Association, Contributing Writer to Virginia Bride Magazine and has a regular spot on Bridesight TV.

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