Sunday, July 4, 2010

OFD on Girlfriend We Gotta Talk!

Everyone always makes fun of me for carrying my phone on my hip 24-7 so that I can check my email, but two weeks back, I finally felt vindicated.

I happen to find myself at the fabulous wedding of a client and friend, and my best friend happen to be the event planner at the venue itself, Historic Mankin Mansion.

I was taking the umpteenth photo on my camera of the wedding's loveliness, when I broke my own rule and actually checked my work email while the salads were being served- and thank goodness for that!

It was then I had found out that I had won. I had actually won.

Before I get too far into what I actually one, allow me to let you in a bit- although I have a knack for winning raffles (hello front seats to Rent in NYC for $20!), I haven't won many big things in my life. Yet.

So when I filled out the application for the Best Girlfriends Contest for Richmond based radio show Girlfriend We Gotta Talk, I really didn't give it much thought afterwards. After all the contest, part of a larger month-long celebration commemorating the ladies' second anniversary on the air, was surely

So what is the Best Girlfriends Contest? In short, a chance for friends to share times in which their very best friend has helped them (or each other!) through a difficult time in their lives. My story? Well it's no secret to those close to me that OFD began about two years earlier than expected- when my own decision to change jobs when awry. I was lucky enough to have Mary-Catherine as a support system and shortly after my own difficult time, was able to lend an ear when she came upon a similar situation. The story features beer in my purse and a now infamous midnight trip to Kinko's- what is there not to love?

So back to the wedding reception- I had just received the great news via email and dashed off to share our newfound famous-ness with Mary-Catherine. And we proceeded to do a little jumping dance in the middle of the party.

So you see, sometimes it's okay to check your email all the time. :)

Missed out on the show? Just click here for a listen- we're the first story featured on the June 27th posting.

More soon,

Meghan Ely is the owner of OFD Consulting, a niche marketing and public relations group servicing the wedding industry. She is also the Managing Director of the Richmond Bridal Association, Contributing Writer to Virginia Bride Magazine and has a regular column in the Richmond Times Dispatch, Wedology 101: the Reality of Being a Bride.

1 comment:

  1. Megan,

    Loved hearing the back story of when you received our e-mail with the news that you one of three of our Girlfriend Stories Contest Winners! We just LOVED your story about you and Mary-Catherine! Everyone can listen AND read your story from our June 27th post on our website:

    Here's to you and great girlfriends!

    Mary & Susie
    co-hosts of Girlfriend We Gotta Talk radio show
