Tuesday, July 13, 2010

OFD goes National with WedLock Partnership

I'll never forget the first time someone asked me where I advertised my services. The proverbial light bulb went off as I realized that there was literally no publication out there for the wedding industry as whole. Were there cake magazines? Sure. DJ magazines? You bet. But nothing that actually spoke to the Wedding Professional as an industry.

That is, until now.

Coming across WedLock Magazine was a breath of fresh air. After all, I recognize that not everyone can hire me. Currently, Illuminate: the Workshop is available only in Virginia. At the same time, there is still a need for education- tried and true marketing strategies for wedding professionals.

WedLock Magazine offers just that- key strategies, tips and tricks to help you succeed in what is often an oversaturated market. In addition to a monthly magazine, WedLock also offers twice monthly webinars on various topics pertinent to succeeding in the wedding industry.

So what does this have to do with OFD?

Well, a week from today, on Wednesday, July 21, I will be hosting webinar on behalf of WedLock Magazine on one of my favorite topics: Partnership Marketing: Building Business from your Wedding Buddies from 7-9pm. We'll be diving into such ideas as turning your competitors into your sales team, as well as easy strategies to implement into your every day business practices that promise big returns.

It's a thrill, as well as a privilege, as I follow in the steps of such well known industry experts as Sonny Ganguly, CEO of Wedding Wire, and wedding marketing authority Andy Ebon. In the coming months, be sure to keep your eyes out for my article on Wedding PR, which will be featured in the Fall.

Interested in learning more about WedLock and my upcoming webinar? drop me a line at meghan {at} ofdconsulting {dot} com.

More soon,

Meghan Ely is the owner of OFD Consulting, a niche marketing and public relations group servicing the wedding industry. She is also the Managing Director of the Richmond Bridal Association, Contributing Writer to Virginia Bride Magazine and has a regular column in the Richmond Times Dispatch, Wedology 101: the Reality of Being a Bride.


  1. I am thrilled to find out about this publication and certainly think that it is needed! I look forward to subscribing and listening in on the webinars. Congratulations to you on your partnership, sounds like a marriage made in heaven for you both!

  2. Well said, Elizabeth - it *is* a marriage made in heaven. We love Meghan and are thrilled to be working with her.

    We're also excited to see how we can help the average wedding professional - AKA the specialist who's never had their own trade journal or monthly membership before!
