Sunday, June 20, 2010

So Today is a pretty Big Day...

So I did it.

Today, I woke up and started working full time for the toughest, most Type A, organized broad I know.....

Me. Yep, that's right. OFD is open twenty-four hours a day.

For those who may not know, I jumped on the OFD train far sooner than originally anticipated. Yes, I've pretty much had my eye on the self employment prize since Kindergarten, but logic and cash flow statements always made the decisions for me. That is, until I left a rather comfortable job for a promotion elsewhere. Eight weeks later, I found myself sitting on my couch next to be my husband to be and a box of tissues, sniffling that I couldn't stay any longer in my current situation. And I think it was time to start OFD, albeit two years earlier than planned.

As my dear friend Heather said, "Sometimes plans have a way of changing."

So I secured a part time job, and spent every other waking moment as OFD (that is, except those moments I was playing Bride). Before long, the balance became far more difficult. Thankfully, I surrounded myself with my support team, including a string of clients willing to wait until 1:01pm for me each day, and a (now) husband who wins best spouse between the two of us any day of the week.

Then the days ran longer and longer. Suddenly I'm working 1:01pm until 10pm on weekdays plus weekends. I dream about press releases. I have speaking engagements booked here, there and everywhere.

And I knew it was time to make the leap. Truth be known, I could have done this earlier but I turned down investor when it simply wasn't a fit. Lesson learned: the easy path isn't necessarily the right one.

And when the time was finally right, I handed in my notice and parted ways for OFD 24-7. Today, I woke up, threw on something other than a suit (small victory!) and got to work.

The reason I share this on a Blog normally dedicated to wedding marketing and the business development?

Well, it's inspiring darn it.

Seven years ago, I graduated college and decided to spend a year with Americorps, working in the inner city schools of Richmond, despite the naysayers. Don't do it, I heard over and over again from those worried I'd fall behind career wise as I spent a year working with kids for a measly $9,000 a year. But I did it anyway (note photo from my Americorps days), assuming I was competitive enough that I'd catch up in no time.

And here I stand bossing myself around all the live long day. And it rules.

I'd love to hear more inspiring stories from when you made the Big Leap. Feel free to share in the comments below.

More soon,

Meghan Ely is the owner of OFD Consulting, a niche marketing and public relations group servicing the wedding industry. She is also the Managing Director of the Richmond Bridal Association, Contributing Writer to Virginia Bride Magazine and has a regular column in the Richmond Times Dispatch, Wedology 101: the Reality of Being a Bride.


  1. Congratulations! The best part of working for yourself is that you're the boss. The worst part is also that you're the boss! ;)

  2. Congratulations Meghan! I made the leap 6 years ago and only look back once in awhile. Self-employment is so under-appreciated, but you are dynamic and a superhero and I couldn't be happier for you! Can't wait to find bunches of reasons for us to collaborate!

  3. Thanks for this post, Meghan! It is very inspiring and motivating to those of us who also dream of making the Big Leap someday. There are so many people in life who will shoot you down time and again, but your story is proof that with hard work, it is definitely possible to "make it."

  4. Thanks so much everyone- it really is thrilling! And yes Kara- I now work for probably the hardest boss I've ever had. ;)

    Shayna- we'll find PLENTY of reasons to work together.

    BB- I'm glad I can be inspiring to others in the same way that others inspired me. :)

  5. This is a wonderfully inspiring story Meghan! So very glad you made the first of many leaps...

  6. Congratulations! This is very inspiring indeed! I didn't know you were doing OFD part time until that email when you said you'll be OFD full-time on Friday 1:01 pm. :)
    Looking forward to our meeting next week!

  7. You dared to be different and that, my friend, has made all the difference in the world to you and to those whose lives you'll surely change.

    Congrats on having the vision and courage to be the conductor of your life!


  8. Congratulations on taking the big leap!

  9. Congratulations, Meghan! I've been leaping solo for almost as long as you've been alive, and thanks to the support of a fabulous better-than-I-am spouse, I love it. Like Shayna, I look forward to finding reasons to collaborate with OFD Consulting. Cheering you on!! Linda - jewelry designer, artist, writer, consultant

  10. Thanks for all the well wishes everyone! I am truly touched.

  11. I am so happy for you, Meghan! This is a huge accomplishment, you should be very proud of yourself. I am looking forward to making the same leap in the near future. Thanks for sharing!
