Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's Spring- Time to Grow your Business!

Well today, I'm going to start off my actually calling myself out for, what I consider, a blog faux pas. The first is the obvious cheesy title as related to the weather. But you know what? It's lovely out and spring is fabulous. So obviously, I'm not that sorry.
Next, I'm going to simultaneously and publicly chastise myself for not posting as much as I'd like. While also noting the irony of this as I tend to make fun of other bloggers for doing the same thing. I mean why call yourself out like that by reminding your readers that you've been MIA?

But alas, today isn't about me. In fact, it's not even really about OFD.

Today, I'm going to veer off the beaten path a bit and talk about a wonderful organization that has served as my backbone for the last year.

Last week, I had the privilege of speaking in front of the Richmond Chapter of SCORE, the Service Corps of Retired Executives. They are a non profit that counsels small businesses for free as they make their way from start up to success. I've been working with their counselors (two in particular- shot outs to Gray and Emmett!) for the last year or so and I couldn't think of a better way to give back to this fantastic group, than to come in and share my knowledge about social media business practices.

My story of OFD is an interesting one and I'll spare you the details today, as I plan on saving it for People Magazine comes knocking (yes, I know I should say Newsweek or the Wall St Journal but I really just do love People Magazine).

But what you need to know is that 12 months ago, I was positively lost and going full steam ahead into OFD two years earlier than I had planned. I happen to come across SCORE online and was hooked. Why is the world would I pass down the chance to have someone take me under their wing and help me be successful?

What I love about SCORE as that these counselors have made something of themselves so they know what they are talking about.

For example, I though I had just the fanciest best logo when I first had it designed but my counselor made sure that I surveyed many people who didn't know me well or my business (as well as my lengthy run in the wedding industry) to see if they could identify what my company did based on a logo. Suddenly, I had acquaintances guessing that it actually looked more like a wine bottle. Well I'll be damned.

Plus they ground you. I would come bopping into a meeting, thrilled with a new client, new media mentions and articles to write. My counselor, although happy for me, would bring it right back to the business by immediately ask me about my cash flow statement.

In other words, some parts of owning a business is simply not fun, but they are imperative. If I didn't have a counselor with a proverbial stick prodding me along to update my cash flow statements, review profit margins and keep an eye on time management, OFD wouldn't be here. Plain and simple.

In addition to free counseling, SCORE also offers monthly workshops on subjects pertinent to ANY small business owner- whether coming out of the starting gates or looking for a refresher. Current topics covered include writing effective business plans, website design strategies, choosing a legal structure, proper business insurance and business loans. At $79, we're talking a full days worth of education for no ten coffee dates. Yes please!

Just starting out? SCORE also has a free (yes, free) workshop designed just for you. So you can keep buying your Starbucks coffee if you so choose.

They are also teaming up with the Retail Merchant's Association to put on mini workshops for those who may not be able to schedule a day away.

So at the risk at sounding like a walking advertising, let me say this- I am grateful for this organization existing. If I could write ten more blogs about their fabulousness and knew that everyone would keep reading, then I would.

I send nearly ever one of my clients to SCORE and encourage you to give it consideration as well- unless, of course, you've already been on the cover of People Magazine.

In that case, call ME.

Until next time,

Meghan Ely is the owner of OFD Consulting, a niche marketing group geared towards wedding professionals. She is also the Managing Director of the Richmond Bridal Association, and has a regular spot on Bridesight TV.

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